That's right, at the ripe old age of seven weeks, or three minutes for the dogs in my readership, Hugo is still up every 1.5-2 hours to feed, as they say here (which makes him sounds like a vampire, but this is the land of Bram Stoker, after all... and I really don't mind the comparison, actually). I need to catch up on my Dr. Phil, because I suspect he's some kind of emotional binge eater who needs to find other outlets for his insecurities. But clearly he knows what he's doing, because his six-week weigh-in last week showed he gained more than TWO POUNDS in three weeks! He's a real boy. The wrinkly red legs have been replaced with chubby(esque) little thighs. His ruby, furrowed little face has transformed into rosy cheeks and a double chin. He's not a Reubens cherub yet, but at 8 lbs, 10 oz. he's on his way! My goal is to fatten him up to the point where he can't crawl for a few months – in other words, something like this:

When the health visitor weighed Hugo, she said "right, so he's hanging right in there at the ninth percentile." I plucked the dust from my ear and said "exsqueeze me? Did you say ninetieth (Josie's rank at 5 weeks) or ninth?" "Ninth." "Meaning, 89, no, 90... well, whatever percentage of babies..." "are BIGGER than Hugo." Got it. Well, that's why he's up all night. He's hungry, little Niney Ninerson. We have quite a way to go.
In addition to being skeeny, he's still crabby, too. 48% of the time Hugo looks like this:
49% of the time he looks like this:
But as of last week, .0362% of the time he looks like this, and that makes it alllll worthwhile:
That had me scratching my head for a few minutes. Then I put together the jagged little pieces of Josie's marital puzzle: after the 1,438th reading of Sleeping Beauty, Josie declared she'd really like to be betrothed to her besty E, who sadly has myriad allergies including egg, shellfish, and sesame. Then, last weekend, when she announced that her new favorite food is sesame bagels with cucumber and cream cheese, we informed her that should she marry E, she would have to give them up, along with shrimp spread and French toast. THEN, when I was packing her lunch for holiday club (the sane parent's antidote to the dreaded and oft-aforementioned half-term) Jeff asked why I was making her a cucumber sandwich and I told him how we were asked to send nut-free lunches because one of the children had a nut allergy. So, Josie, always hovering in the background listening and computing, puts one and one together and gets... one, the loneliest spinster number. Thus matrimony is in, and America's classic lunchtime delight is out. What kind of budding feminist am I raising here?
To make sure Josie didn't feel like we devote every hour of every day to her little brother, we hopped in the car last weekend and headed for the brand new Peppa Pig World near Southampton. For our money, it was better than Disney! Closer, cheaper, lower-key, and we never once had to hear "It's a Small World." It was quite crowded, being a Bank Holiday weekend, so we didn't get to go on everything, but Jeff did take Josie on several vomitous rides, including a spinning "Castle in a Cloud" number, while Josie and I rode Mr. Dinosaur around the track, a bouncy trip that induced uproarious laughter in us both.
If you haven't yet become acquainted with Peppa, George, Daddy and Mummy Pig and the rest of the gang – and especially if you have young children – I highly recommend you add Peppa to your DVD collection. It's so well-written, usually teaches a nice lesson, and ends with the whole Pig Family falling on their backs in collective laughter. It's really good stuff.
Well, on that note, I hear the Meatball growling for his pre-dinner snack. I have yet to reap the rumored weight-loss benefits of breastfeeding (hence the preponderance of stretch pants in my clothing repertoire), but the weight-gain benefits for Hugo are undeniable. Eyes on the prize, baby:
If you haven't yet become acquainted with Peppa, George, Daddy and Mummy Pig and the rest of the gang – and especially if you have young children – I highly recommend you add Peppa to your DVD collection. It's so well-written, usually teaches a nice lesson, and ends with the whole Pig Family falling on their backs in collective laughter. It's really good stuff.
Well, on that note, I hear the Meatball growling for his pre-dinner snack. I have yet to reap the rumored weight-loss benefits of breastfeeding (hence the preponderance of stretch pants in my clothing repertoire), but the weight-gain benefits for Hugo are undeniable. Eyes on the prize, baby:
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