Thursday, November 8, 2007

One Month Old!

Josie-Pose turned one month old on Monday! It has flown so fast, I can't believe it! She has definitely changed - in addition to putting on some pudge, she now mimics us, which Jeff discovered quite by accident on Friday, when he stuck his tongue out at her, and she poked hers right back! She really enjoys sticking it out at every occasion now, which you'll see in the latest photo gallery.

This month's darling cover photo is thanks to Lew Rothman, who stopped by with lovely wife Anne on Sunday to keep Jeff and Josie company so that I could (thank you!!) run some errands. I'm getting out for walks and activities almost every day with my friend Jen and her new baby Isabella - which really helps a lot. We are dreading the cold weather but decided we'll become mall-walkers. We'll just have to walk REALLY fast past the Cinnabon and Coldstone stores!

Josie's making her first trip (since birth of course) to the big city tomorrow! We'll go see my doctor for my month-out appointment and visit my office. The Monchichi Takes Manhattan!


Anonymous said...

I didn't think she could get any cuter, but she just keeps doing it! What a beautiful girl!



LD said...

I can't wait to see her TODAY!!!!!!! She is the cutest baby that has ever lived.