OK, so we live in Upper Nyack, but that didn't roll off the tongue the way I wanted. Yes, finally you're free from seeing the freaky umbilical remnant in all of Josie's midriff-baring shots. It was quite an anticlimactic end for the stump - after waiting for weeks for it to fall off, on Saturday morning I changed her diaper and said "hey, her stump is gone!!" It must have come off during a middle-of-the-night change. Oh well. So the cat didn't run off with it, no one ate it, it just disappeared as quietly as it came, quite unceremoniously in a pile of doo.
Josie is starting to be more wakeful during the day, which is nice, but doesn't seem to be affecting her desire to party at 3 a.m. Ah well, such is the life of the new parents. So if you see me wearing two different shoes, or run into Jeff with pants on his head, just cut us some slack.
Lots of visitors all week, including my friend Wendy, Jeff's brother Roger and his family and his sister Hilary and her family (lots of delicious and loving cousins), and our friends the Novies and Hansons (and their son Spencer, pictured above - Josie's middle namesake's last name was Spencer... is it desitin? I mean, destiny?)....none of which did much to reverse the direction of Josie's eyelids. Oh well. New pics posted of all these fun events!
1 comment:
pretty much everyone on my team and in my office has seen this pic, and I cannot BELIEVE how gorgeous she is.
I can't wait to see her in 3.5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woo-hoo!!!!! She'll already look different in the 3 wks I'll have not seen her, I hope she remembers me. Well, of course she will.
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