Josie is about 2 and 1/2 weeks old and changing before our eyes! She's a real baby! She makes and hold eye contact for minutes at a time, gives us lots of goofy grins, and even ROLLED OVER on Sunday. She got a really sweet tie-dyed bear as a gift that, you'll see, she stared at and touched with her hand for about 15 minutes. No, it does not take much to fascinate an infant.
Lots of visitors, including our Nyack friend Lezlee (Josie has been LOVING Lezlee's "Loveabyes" CD - check it out at and her son River, Hannah and Papa Rothman, and G. G. Rothman. New pics at right!
My parents left to return to Michigan yesterday, so Josie and I are on our own these days! Today we're going to stroll into town and then up the hill to visit Josie's future best friend Isabella, our friend Jen and Jeremy's baby who was born last week.
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! omg I can't wait to see her grins.
oh btw, I am totally coming down with something. So you are off the hook for Friday as there is no way in H-E-double hockeysticks that I would let anything near J-Ro-Junior that could potentially make her less than the happiest baby alive.
your babe is so cute. holy hair! you look radiant. it's so good to hear/see that you are well. thinking about you. sorry to hear about jane... whooooops.
drop me a line when you get a chance.
take care,
your cousin
She realy is beautiful. Now, put up some photos of you and Jeff as babies so we can figure out who she looks like! Since I can't make up my mind - seems like she's a good mix!
Can't wait to meet her!
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