Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tiny Dancer

Thought you'd enjoy Josie's latest YouTube appearance, her Fancy Dance to her favorite song.
It's been a big week! Josie can sit on her own for up to a minute or so, can grab and play with any size toy, and stand when pulled up! She can drink water from her own cup. Her palate is expanding; she enjoys plums, prunes, avocados, but not pears - she made faces like I was trying to feed her lemons dipped in horseradish. Geez! We took our first trip to the park yesterday, and she loved swinging in the big kid swings!! It's just wonderful to be outside. Josie is also even more into music class, laughing, yelling and playing the instruments. She loves to strum Catherine's (the teacher's) guitar. We believe some teeth are ready to spring forth, as she is gumming and chewing whatever she can get into her mouth.
We're very excited for Josie's first Passover! Jeff is working hard on his Seder program and I am busy shopping and cooking. More after the holidays!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


YOUTUBE Forgive the long absence - it's been a crazy month. My thyroid troubles returned, but I am on the mend. And Josie - she is, as always, on the rise!! She is literally more fun by the day. She LOVES her exersaucer - we have to pull her out of it. She is babbling constantly, laughing even more, and playing lots of games with us. She pulls her own blanket over her head for "Peekaboo", eats whatever we put in front of her, and naps like a champ with few complaints, if any. One night last week we accidentally thwarted her 11pm feeding (the nipple was blocked) and she didn't miss it! So we experimented the next night and she slept ALL the way through - 7am to 7pm.... and has continued to do so since.

I would say Josie's fine motor skills are better than her gross ones. She can "read" a cloth book, easily transfer objects from hand to hand, pick things up, throw them, etc. but still can't quite sit up or easily roll from back to front (she can from front to back). She enjoys music, sweet potatoes, and long walks on the beach -er, river. Seriously, I am so excited for nice weather so we can finally spend time outside, which she loves! She has been loving all the attention from Gram, who is here for two weeks, Hannah and Papa, and Aunties Em and Hillary. Lots of new pics in the gallery. Enjoy! xoxo