We've had a busy winter - Music Together class for Josie every Saturday morning, which she loves, music playgroup every week, story hour at the American Library, lots of playdates with Millie and Constance, two of her little pals, and jaunts to the Louvre (for mommy!) every other week or so. We've been to a couple of nice Sunday lunches at friends' houses in the neighborhood -- our weekends are becoming quite social! We had a terrific Valentine's Day at Itineraires, a cute little restaurant in the Latin Quarter... and look forward to our gift to each other - a subscription to New York Magazine!
Josie went to her first birthday party here in Paris, Nathalie's second birthday party at Gymboree. It was a lovely party and so terrific to spend so much time with Melissa's parents, Gloria and Alter, that week. Lots of cute pictures in the new slideshow!
The highlight of the month, obviously, was a visit from Papa Lew! He came and stayed for a week and we had a wonderful time traipsing around Paris, eating great food and seeing the sights. We went to the top of the Arc de Triomphe and strolled along the Champs Elysees, did a fascinating walking tour of the Old Marais (topped off with a falafel at L'as), explored Montmartre, hit the Luxembourg Gardens and the D'Orsay. Jeff and Lew also took a day trip up to Normandy where they had a guided tour of Utah Beach and the surrounding areas. They were presented with a medal in honor of Jeff's Grandpa Herman's service. But we were happy to have them back afterwards for truly delectable meals at a new Asian Fusion place called Ze Kitchen Galerie as well as a storied brasserie called Balzar (it's described in detail in Paris to the Moon by Adam Gopnik!). We even met the Barefoot Contessa (Ina Garten!) sitting outside Cafe Flore when we stopped in for coffee and tartes tatins!
And what can we say about Josie... she's taught herself how to Ring Around the Rosy, loves to walk up and down steps proclaiming "good girl!" after each one, and can say about 50 words! She survived her first gastro bug (no fun for anyone) and has cut almost all her teeth at this point. In fact, I have to sign off to wake her up from her nap so we can go to music playgroup soon. Au revoir for now!
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