Lots to report this month! Sorry it's been awhile, but it's been a busy June here in the Davidson-Rothman household. We kicked off the month with a great visit with the Roger Rothmans in Lewisburg PA. Sadly, we forgot to take a single photo - but Josie took her first "swim" in the Lewisburg Swim Club baby pool, and less thrilling, her first doody in a swim diaper. Ick. But we had a great time.
The next week Beth (do I always talk about myself in the third person? That's annoying) was off to Washington, on her first work trip for EMILY's List's Conference. She got to see Madeleine Albright speak, say hello to Sen. Stabby and Gov. Jenny G, and meet lots of the great new candidates. Also got to reune with old friends like Britt, Jeanne, Martha, Karen P., Jen Maranzano, etc. Josie did great with Daddy and her new friend Cynthia. Mommy returned tired but very fired up about the election and excited to see Josie's 2nd tooth right next to the first!
Daddy had his first father's day, with a cool new Ipod player and a BBQ with Anne, Lew, Hilary, Todd, Grandma and the girls. We also got out to dinner with Rosemary and Doug and their friends Sally and Steve at the River Club in Nyack. The following weekend it was off to the Berkshires where Anne and Lew graciously lent us their house for the annual Cornell Boys Reunion. The kids all got along fabulously, Josie took a swim in the big kids pool and learned to CLAP, which was very exciting.
What's new with Josie the Posie? She loves music and while she can't crawl, the girl already has dance moves, including an Elvis Pelvis maneuver, swinging arms, and clapping. She loves Music class and often "sings" loudly and imitates the teacher, especially during her favorite song, "Jumping Josie." She is talking up a storm (no words yet, stay tuned) and is generally a pretty funny kid. Lots of new photos both in Josie 6.23 and The Berks!
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