The day AFTER everyone left, however, Miz Jo started a new habit of shrieking at bloodcurdling decibels when she is happy, mad, tired, hungry, when she sees a dog, when the sun is in her eyes, at everything, nothing, no pattern whatsoever. It's great. I can only guess it is somehow linked to teething... we are waiting for those first little suckers to pop through. She's a chatty little monkey, lots of dadas, blah blahs, ya yas, etc. She sits very well and eats VERY well. She had her first call-the-pediatrician in the night projectile vomiting episode which was a little scary. But she was fine All in all she continues to be funny and great!
Things have gotten even busier since I started working part-time last week. Our new babysitter does great with Josie and Josie seems to do great with her! It's a nice balance.
SO I promise to be back soon with more video. We have to shoot some more! We do have lots of new pics.
This pic is my new desktop photo, and my colleagues literally SHRIEK with both shock and delight when they walk by and see it. Too gorge for words.
Love the slideshow and always love the hilarious captions! Your Josie is gorgeous!
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