Thursday, December 6, 2007

2 months old, and First Hanukkah!

Well, it's been a busy couple of weeks for Miz Josiepants. Most excitingly, she has been sleeping for 4-6 hours at a clip! Usually she goes to bed around 9, wakes up to eat around 4, and sleeps till 8 or 9. She's also starting to dig a regular nap schedule of around 10-11 am and around 2-3 pm (usually while Jen and I are mallwalking). Of course as I type this, we are both bleary eyed as she took an hour to go down last night, woke up at 7:30, and refused to take her nap even though she keeps falling asleep in my arms. Interestingly, as she sits in her "fishie chair" she has grabbed a receiving blanket we leave in it for drool and burps, and is kind of cuddling it. Maybe we have a self-soothing object on the horizon (pleeeease).

Jeff was in Europe all last week, which was a little lonely, especially for Josie. But every time he called, I would put him on speaker and Josie would stick out her tongue at the sound of his voice! Daddy's Girl all the way... obviously a pretty strong connection!

We've had a couple of pretty snowfalls already, though both have melted. Just in time for the Chanukah season, which we celebrated at West End with Rabbi Yael (with 6-month old Rina), Cantor Mordy and a bunch of members young and old, all of whom were delighted to finally meet Josie. I think I've already received my favorite Hanukkah gift, Martha Stewart's New Classics Cookbook. Great, when will I have time to cook?

Tomorrow Josie has her first shots, so I'll be back with her new weight and of course, how traumatic that was for me!

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