Wednesday the 12th I got to celebrate birthday #35 in the City with Hilary, Anne and Lew and the girls and then home with Josie and Jeff, who gave me a lovely Helen Ficalora necklace. On Friday night Lew and Jeff watched Josie so that I could attend Alvin Ailey with Hil, Jax and Anne, and on Saturday Hil, Todd and the girls took care of Jo so that Jeff and I could have our annual birthday celebration in the city - walking around midtown to see the windows and the tree at Rockefeller Center, and then heading uptown for a romantic dinner at Coppola's.
Josie continues to amaze us with new tricks - she can now pick up a toy and, of course, bring it right to her mouth. When I go in to fetch her from her crib in the morning, she is SOOO happy to see me that her grin turns into a Ernie-esque "hkee hkee hkee" laugh. Lots of chirps and coos and yells - she is eager to talk to us! Hopefully there will be more of the former than the latter when we drive to Michigan for Xmas this weekend! Happy Holidays and much love to everyone!