Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Had my 39-week checkup this morning. I'll post a photo later, but suffice to say I am pretty dang large and muy uncomfortable. I can't really even exercise anymore, so I'm just trying to get in some walking and moving around!

Sadly, I am still not really progressing, so my OB and I decided to schedule an induction just in case BGR doesn't show up on time, on her own (it's really about getting the room, and she doesn't want me to be a week overdue with no room at the inn). So we're on for either the 4th or 5th depending on the hospital's availability. It's good to know there's an end in sight!

Jeff and I are finding this limbo very weird - everything's set up, just ready and waiting. It's like looking at a memory that hasn't happened yet.

See you next week, whatever has happened!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Not yet... but don't I look ready to blow? Almost to week 38 (Monday!) and feeling... like I'm 9.5 mos. pregnant. Saw OB on Tuesday and she says I'm clammed up tight, not going anywhere for awhile. So I'm doing lots of walking, activity to try to get BGR to think about moving along. All my test results were good and normal, though, and we got to discuss fun stuff like my birth plan, when to call, when to come in, etc. Yesterday and Today are Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Yesterday in temple the rabbi asked us to think of just one thing in the past year for which we are truly thankful - boy was that an easy one. Shana Tovah to those who celebrate, and everyone else - a great weekend!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Jeff's bday, and one month to go!

Another pretty good dr's appointment last week - I have some small aches and pains, my 4th UTI, an irritated and irritating fibroid, but generally things look good. I have one more appointment next week before I start seeing my OB weekly. I did have another fall, but worse than the embarrassment of falling was the humiliation of the grunting and groaning of the woman who tried to help me - and my heft- up!

We had a terrific long weekend - in addition to working tirelessly on our almost-finished basement and the baby's room, we celebrated Jeff's 35th birthday with a Yankee game and then dinner at an inn near Bear Mountain (pictured). I was nervous about being big and bumped around at the game but I was totally comfortable. In fact, I did much better than the Bx bombers, who got fairly thumped by the Tampa Bay Tampax, or whatever their name is. Jeff was the happy recipient of a new cappucino machine, which he will need in the next few months!

We have our last childbirth class this week - pushing and breathing. Woo-hoo! Until next time, I remain yours hugely, BJD