So we saw "the movie" at our Wed. nite birthing class. While I'm someone who enjoys zit-popping, blister squeezing, and the occasional surgery channel viewing, I don't think I want to watch the fun in the readily available mirror. No wonder I've let all the "Birth story" episodes fall off our TiVo cache. I guess I really don't want to see much more of that, on TV or below my own waist! Oh well. Call me a wuss. Jeff of course has decided he DOES want to see the whole thing now. There will be no filming.
Had an OB appt with one of my doctor's partners on Friday. Went very well, weight, BP etc. are all good (says HE, but I can no longer bend over from a chair and pick something up off the floor!). Nor can I really see anything below my belly except my toes. He says BGR is going to be bigger than I was (7.5 lbs) so, given momma needed a C-section with me, it's just a possibility I should prepare for. Jeff is in LA so no belly photos this week, sorry!!!
And, the most FUN news of the week. Jeff conveniently dropped 5 lbs in the past week, so I now weigh more than he does. ARGH!