Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Not baby-related, except that I hope she will have my sense of humor

I really just wanted to tell everyone about the new Flight of the Conchords fan site. Although, we are still looking for J names... how about Jemaine Rothman? Food for thought. Food for thought.

They’re turning kids into slaves just to make cheaper sneakers.
But what’s the real cost?
‘Cause the sneakers don’t seem that much cheaper.
Why are we still paying so much for sneakers
When you got them made by little slave kids
What are your overheads?

Flight of the Conchords, "Think About It"

Monday, August 20, 2007

AND the handicapping begins...

So we saw "the movie" at our Wed. nite birthing class. While I'm someone who enjoys zit-popping, blister squeezing, and the occasional surgery channel viewing, I don't think I want to watch the fun in the readily available mirror. No wonder I've let all the "Birth story" episodes fall off our TiVo cache. I guess I really don't want to see much more of that, on TV or below my own waist! Oh well. Call me a wuss. Jeff of course has decided he DOES want to see the whole thing now. There will be no filming.

Had an OB appt with one of my doctor's partners on Friday. Went very well, weight, BP etc. are all good (says HE, but I can no longer bend over from a chair and pick something up off the floor!). Nor can I really see anything below my belly except my toes. He says BGR is going to be bigger than I was (7.5 lbs) so, given momma needed a C-section with me, it's just a possibility I should prepare for. Jeff is in LA so no belly photos this week, sorry!!!

And, the most FUN news of the week. Jeff conveniently dropped 5 lbs in the past week, so I now weigh more than he does. ARGH!

Monday, August 6, 2007

32-week sono, and everything looks great!

Jeff and I trekked into Lenox Hill for our 32-week sonogram this morning. Despite the uncommunicative nature of our tech (Jeff: What's that you're measuring? Tech: Mmph rmph ventricle mph brain) we learned that everything looks great. BGR weighs an estimated 4.5 lbs! So much for my OB's worry that I was carrying small! BGR was squirming and kicking all the way to the hospital, but decided to chill during the u/s - she was just sucking her thumb (wild!) and looking very mellow.

We spent the weekend making the most of our remaining "us time" - went on a date, saw the Bourne Ultimatum (BGR did NOT like the loud chase scenes) and grilled, shopped, went on a long walk in Piermont, and spent yesterday starting to assemble swings and things and organizing her room! Jeff took an update photo of me before the BBQ at our friends' Lezlee and Rob's that ended the weekend - I'll post it later!